Kids on the Farm
Very lucky to have a personal insight with the job I do.
A few weeks back, my Husband came home from a days Shearing and told me about little Winston Clark, the son of Nick and Penny Clark, one of Kangaroo Island Wools Growers and where my Husband happen to be shearing the past two weeks. As they days flew by I thought I had missed my chance to share this little gem in the dust and dags......but no come Cut-out (last day often ending with drinks and food afterwards) he was still going strong!
Meet Winston Clark, he has shorn this sheep for two to three runs a day (a run is two hours long) most days for the past two weeks! Dressed in tiny shearing jeans and singlet to match, wooden hand-piece in hand. Winston is not just Shearing he is captivated and very observant, often just watching then mimicking the Sheep Shearers.
Very cute Winston! thanks to you and Nick and Penny for this wonderful story a great afternoon-evening. Great end to Australia Day.