Sustainable Wool
Just thought i'd have a quick chat about a popular topic in todays world. Debated worldwide at present, people are asking is it sustainable? And Righty so, we do have a huge problem!! If you are like me and have started to say 'no' to single use plastic, yes I have a keep-cup and clean kanteen drink bottles! Then maybe you should consider wool next time you up date your wardrobe.
'Sustainability is the process of maintaining change in a balanced fashion, in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.'[
The extract from above is from Wiki, it's was easier than re-hashing.
Research and History show Wool is sustainable when farmed in the correct environment, with the right balance. Caring for animals and the environment together as a first priority. Good farm management and planning. Providing a safe, healthy and happy experience for that sheeps life span and in return we can provide a warm, natural fibre that is versatile and environmentally kind and sustainable . Wool can be used in so many ways from fine wool suits, active wear, knitwear, soft furnishing, carpet and even house insulation! to name a few. Wool is naturally fire retardant, repels insects and is warm even when you get it wet. It is also truly bio-degradable.
I am lucky to have grown up with Wool, many of my family members knit, I believe because of that my family and myself are enlighten to make the effort to buy Wool, ready made or yarn. The benefits out way the cost any day. Choose wisely tho, most Wool garments last 15 years plus!!
Naturally being the sales manager for Kangaroo Island Wool I would like everyone to buy from our wonderfull selection of merino possum wear. But thats not reality. Just buy Wool, from our store, our retailers on Kangaroo Island, hunt it out at the op-shop!! Buy some yarn and learn to knit or crochet! It's Healthier for us all!